array:1 [
  0 => array:9 [
    "id" => 2
    "category" => "Simulator Courses"
    "description" => """
      <p>This course aims to deliver knowledge and skills for learners to manage, oversee and evaluate training and learning enabled by simulators for the attainment of the competencies set out in the STCW Convention as amended with particular reference to STCW Regulation I/6, STCW Code A-I/6 on &ldquo;training and assessment&rdquo; as well as STCW Regulation I/12, STCW Code A-I/12 on &ldquo;use of simulators&rdquo;.</p>\r\n
      <p>A maritime simulator or ship simulator is a system that simulates ships and maritime environments for training, research and other purposes. In addition, there are maritime simulators for e.g. ECDIS, engine room, and cargo handling operations, as well as shore-side operations such as Vessel Traffic Service (VTS).</p>
    "active" => 1
    "delete" => 0
    "created_at" => "2020-04-11T01:49:37.000000Z"
    "updated_at" => "2020-04-11T01:49:37.000000Z"
    "course" => null
    "course_category" => array:4 [
      0 => array:15 [
        "id" => 6
        "course_info" => """
          \t<li><strong>Duration : </strong>6 days</li>\r\n
          \t<li><strong>Reference :</strong> Training Circular No 07 of 2004 Dated on 22.03.2004</li>\r\n
          \t<li><strong>Training towards :</strong> RANSCO Certifica</li>\r\n
        "course_name" => "RANSCO"
        "duration" => "6 Days"
        "capacity" => "12"
        "description" => """
          <p>This DG Shipping approved course aims to prepare a learner to make competent &amp; effective use of radar as a route-finding aid in congested, restricted waters, recognize possible threats and make effective navigational &amp; collision avoidance decisions in compliance of COLREGS. Further, on successful completion of this course, the student would attain ability to plan, organize and manage a bridge crew. This course will also provide ability to respond to, coordinate and execute a search &amp; rescue operation.</p>\r\n
          <p>This course covers mandatory minimum requirements for knowledge, understanding &amp; proficiency as required by Table A-II/2 of STCW 95 and meets the requirements as laid down in Appendix M-II/2 of META Manual Vol. II and IMO Model course 1.08.</p>
        "eligibility" => """
          \t<li>Certificate of Proficiency for ROSC &amp; ARPA with certificate of masters/second mates or equivalent &amp; 18 months sea service as officer</li>\r\n
        "documents" => """
          \t<li>Photograph 2 No&rsquo;s</li>\r\n
          \t<li>CDC (Front page &amp; Stamp pages)</li>\r\n
          \t<li>ROC/ARPA Certificate</li>\r\n
          \t<li>2nd Mate COC equivalent</li>\r\n
          \t<li>2 Dose of Vaccination certificate / Result of RTPCR test</li>\r\n
        "category_id" => 2
        "course_fee" => "9000.00"
        "image" => "1587102812.jpg"
        "active" => 1
        "delete" => 0
        "created_at" => "2020-04-16T14:53:32.000000Z"
        "updated_at" => "2022-06-24T07:51:10.000000Z"
      1 => array:15 [
        "id" => 16
        "course_info" => """
          \t<li><strong>Duration : </strong> 6.5 Weeks</li>\r\n
          \t<li><strong>Reference : </strong> STCW 2010 Circular No 03 of 2011</li>\r\n
          \t<li><strong>Training towards : </strong> Advanced Shipboard Management certification</li>\r\n
          \t<li><strong>Approvals : </strong> Directorate General of Shipping</li>\r\n
          \t<li><strong>Teaching methods : </strong> Blended learning</li>\r\n
          \t<li><strong>Course Commencement : </strong> Every 2 Months once</li>\r\n
        "course_name" => "GMDSS"
        "duration" => "12 Days"
        "capacity" => "12"
        "description" => "<p>The objectives of this Programme is to prepare a candidate to appear for the examinations of Phase I and for the Certificate of Competency as Chief Mate of a Foreign-going Ship.</p>"
        "eligibility" => """
          \t<li>Candidate taken Physics &amp; Mathematics specification in class 12th with valid COC and COP issued by WPC wing with minimum period of Sea service 6 months</li>\r\n
        "documents" => """
          \t<li>Photograph 7 No&rsquo;s</li>\r\n
          \t<li>CDC (Front page &amp; Stamp pages)</li>\r\n
          \t<li>10th and 12th Mark sheet (with Pass in Physics,Chemistry * Maths)</li>\r\n
          \t<li>NWKO letter from MMD (optional)</li>\r\n
          \t<li>2 Dose of Vaccination certificate / Result of RTPCR test</li>\r\n
        "category_id" => 2
        "course_fee" => "25000.00"
        "image" => "1615874245.jpg"
        "active" => 1
        "delete" => 0
        "created_at" => "2021-03-16T01:57:25.000000Z"
        "updated_at" => "2022-05-09T09:04:59.000000Z"
      2 => array:15 [
        "id" => 17
        "course_info" => """
          \t<li><strong>Duration : </strong> 10 days</li>\r\n
          \t<li><strong>Reference : </strong>Circular No 5 of 2004 Dated on 22.03.2004</li>\r\n
          \t<li><strong>Training towards : </strong> ROC / ARPA Certification</li>\r\n
          \t<li><strong>Approvals : </strong> DGS</li>\r\n
          \t<li><strong>Teaching methods : </strong> Blended learning</li>\r\n
          \t<li><strong>Course Commencement : </strong> Every Month</li>\r\n
        "course_name" => "ROCARPA"
        "duration" => "15 Days"
        "capacity" => "12"
        "description" => """
          <p>This course provides training in the basic theory &amp; use of Radar for Officers in charge of a navigational watch. It is based on the standards of competency as per section A &ndash; II / 1 of STCW 1995.</p>\r\n
          <p>Appendix M &amp;ndash II / 1C of META Manual Vol &amp;ndash 2 &amp; IMO model course 1.07</p>\r\n
          <p>A student successfully completing this course &amp; meeting the required performance standards will recognize when radar should be in use will select a suitable mode &amp; range setting for the circumstances will be able to set the controls for optimal performance &amp; will be aware of the limitations of the equipment in detecting the targets &amp; in terms of accuracy.</p>
        "eligibility" => """
          \t<li>Seafarer who have minimum period of 12 months sea service as Deck cadet.</li>\r\n
        "documents" => """
          \t<li>Photograph 2 No&rsquo;s</li>\r\n
          \t<li>CDC (Front page &amp; Stamp pages)</li>\r\n
          \t<li>ROC certificate (For ARPA Course)</li>\r\n
          \t<li>12 months Sea Service record as Deck Cadet.</li>\r\n
          \t<li>2 Dose of Vaccination certificate / Result of RTPCR test</li>\r\n
        "category_id" => 2
        "course_fee" => "18000.00"
        "image" => "1615874752.jpg"
        "active" => 1
        "delete" => 0
        "created_at" => "2021-03-16T02:05:54.000000Z"
        "updated_at" => "2023-01-19T12:17:49.000000Z"
      3 => array:15 [
        "id" => 18
        "course_info" => """
          \t<li><strong>Duration : </strong> 5 days</li>\r\n
          \t<li><strong>Reference : </strong> Circular No 29 of 2012 Dated on 10.12.2012</li>\r\n
          \t<li><strong>Training towards : </strong> ECDIS Certification</li>\r\n
          \t<li><strong>Approvals : </strong> DGS</li>\r\n
          \t<li><strong>Teaching methods : </strong> Blended learning</li>\r\n
          \t<li><strong>Course Commencement : </strong> Every week</li>\r\n
        "course_name" => "ECDIS"
        "duration" => "5 Days"
        "capacity" => "12"
        "description" => """
          <p>The course intends to provide the knowledge, skill &amp; understanding of ECDIS &amp; Electronic charts to the thorough extent needed to safely navigate Vessels whose primary means of Navigation is ECDIS. The course is designed to meet the STCW requirements in the use of ECDIS, as revised by the 2010 MANILA amendments, specifically as these apply to Tables A &ndash;II / 1, A&amp;ndash II / 2 &amp; A II / 3 &amp; also to be revised guidelines pertaining to training &amp; assessment in the operational use of ECDIS in table B &amp;ndash&ndash; 1, assessment in Navigational Watch keeping &amp; evaluation of competency, both in table B &amp;ndash II model course 1.27 as revised.</p>\r\n
          <p>Those who successfully complete this course shall be able to demonstrate sufficient knowledge, skill &amp; understanding of ECDIS Navigation &amp; electronic charts to undertake the duties of a navigational watch keeping officer defined by STCW code as amended</p>
        "eligibility" => """
          \t<li>Seafarer who have minimum period of 12 months sea service as Deck cadet &amp; holder of ROC and APRA certificate.</li>\r\n
        "documents" => """
          \t<li>Photograph 2 No&rsquo;s</li>\r\n
          \t<li>CDC (Front page &amp; Stamp pages)</li>\r\n
          \t<li>ROC/ARPA certificate</li>\r\n
          \t<li>12 months Sea Service record as Deck Cadet.</li>\r\n
          \t<li>2 Dose of Vaccination certificate / Result of RTPCR test</li>\r\n
        "category_id" => 2
        "course_fee" => "10000.00"
        "image" => "1615875097.jpg"
        "active" => 1
        "delete" => 0
        "created_at" => "2021-03-16T02:11:39.000000Z"
        "updated_at" => "2023-01-19T12:18:08.000000Z"